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Do you believe immediate action is essential to protect a woman's right to abortion? We need voices like yours to ensure safe abortion access.

Add your name to support a woman's right to choose. 

Human rights bodies and courts worldwide recognize that abortion care is essential health care and a critical aspect of women’s fundamental human rights. Everyone has the right to accessible, high-quality abortion care and no one should be criminalized for seeking or accessing abortion services. In recent decades, more than 50 countries have liberalized their abortion laws, recognizing the importance of reproductive autonomy in women’s lives.


Yet throughout the United States, legal, policy and other barriers continue to undermine access to abortion care. Restrictive abortion laws and other barriers push abortion underground, increase rates of unsafe abortion, and delay access to essential and time-sensitive care. By disproportionately harming low-income and marginalized communities, these laws and policies exacerbate social inequality.


To protect and expand abortion rights and access, I will seek to overturn restrictive abortion laws, repeal procedural barriers, defend women imprisoned under restrictive abortion laws, and advocate against rollbacks of abortion rights and for measures to enhance access to abortion care. Following the Supreme Court’s leaked draft opinion in Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization, I especially support recent legislation such as the Women’s Health Protection Act to explicitly give health care providers the right to provide abortion services and their patients the right to obtain them. A woman’s access to abortion is protected under a constitutional right to privacy. We must do all we can to ensure this access remains unhindered.


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